How Web3 and NFTs will profoundly transform social media

Favoom Web3 Social Network
3 min readMar 6, 2023

In a world where you own your data — not Facebook or Twitter — and decide how and when to share it, what would that be like? Consider the situation where a brand is asking you to like or share a social media post, but you want your investment in space and time to be rewarded. Join a brand’s community board where you can help choose product features and pricing.

We are pleased to welcome you to the NFTs community.

Brands like Gucci, Adidas, Nike, Shopify, Bose, and others are embracing NFTs. If you haven’t started using them yet, you’re behind even the Vatican! Ad Age maintains a running list of brands using them. In addition, these NFT communities are the incubators for future brands, similar to Kickstarter efforts for the future Oculus Rift.

Social media networks are changing along with brands. The Twitter Blue membership allows NFT owners to showcase their street cred with a hexagonal avatar that certifies ownership as one of the first social media platforms to embrace the NFT community. A similar feature for showcasing your NFTs was just released by Instagram as a beta test.

Nevertheless, Discord is the primary communication medium for NFT communities.

Because we have been discussing the importance of social media for a long time, this is vital. In light of this, it becomes even more crucial. The conversation is taking place. The community wants brand participation, nay demands it. They want complete transparency. They want frequent updates. Therefore, if you’re not social, you’re just media.

Here are some of the ways I (already) see social media changing.

  • Get social. Branding won’t save you anymore. More than ever, the community will be loud and out in the open.
  • Brands Creators don’t want to work FOR brands anymore, they want to work WITH them and partner with them. You might find that those creators are now your competitors, especially for social media eyeballs.
  • This is still about content, but now more about conversation. Keep in mind that these communities can talk to one another. They’re leading the conversation, so you need to become part of it and create content around it.
  • You should get used to getting it wrong. It will be very new to many marketers. And the NFT world is still developing. The key here is how you will respond when things go wrong. By being transparent and authentic, your community is more likely to join you on this journey.

In order to prepare for the future, I recommend joining an NFT Discord, learning how to buy an NFT, and doing your own research (do your own research, not financial advice). Follow hashtags like #NFT, #NFTCommunity, and #NFTProject on Twitter to locate ones that interest you. When you find them on Twitter, follow their account to see how engagement incentives work. Take note of how communities work together and react when a project fails.

There will be change, but it is unavoidable. Hopefully, this primer has provided you with some insight into what to expect.

Meanwhile, don’t forget WAGMI (we’ll all going to make it) and see you in the metaverse!



Favoom Web3 Social Network

Favoom is a web3 social media network that was designed to bring power back to the communities and make them owners of their content.